
Does anyone else feel very emotional about this, even if they’re not Irish? Spent last night reading the #repealthe8th feed and crying. So happy that it looks like the right side won (for once).

Clover, I love that Bobby:Carol as You:Kevin Can Wait.

I’m sorry, maybe I’m a prude.

This is a show about prostitution and pornoagraphy in NYC in the seventies - it airs on HBO.

Completely agree - I could not be more sickened by the coverage of the father’s words, and the many, many headlines that imply that the girl(s) brought it on themselves.

Channing Tatum must have very strong arms.

“Donald Jr. is a good-looking guy”

Meant to add this, Curry has the best paws - thumbs everywhere!

I am legit sadder about this than Barbara Bush.

Young Willem Dafoe is threatening people now?

Hey, compañeros.

Idaho Lawmaker Who Maybe Wanted to Execute People for Abortion Has Second Thoughts

Sorry, I can’t figure out how to embed it. It just won’t. Here’s the text from it:

“For the next reboot that makes men angry I’d like to submit for your consideration Lupita Nyong’o as Indiana Jones. She steals artifacts from museums and returns them to their rightful cultures.” 

I can’t not comment back to you - even though I want to dismiss and forget you exist.

If Darryl and White Josh don’t get back together before the finale I will riot.

Fox News had some nasty Trump propagandist Jeanine Pirro stalking the woods where Hillary was seen hiking after the election trying to ambush her. Jesse Waters of Fox did the same thing hunting around Chappaqua looking for Hillary so he could jump out and question her.

Oh come on. At this point Clinton could say “we’ve been having nice weather lately” and the media would immediately start screaming “CLINTON OUT OF TOUCH WITH PLIGHT OF FARMERS AS DROUGHT WORSENS!” or “CLINTON ADMITS CLIMATE CHANGE A HOAX!”

That screenshot is EVERYTHING.

Problem is, there’s no objective minimum standard for “responsibility.” Nobody has to train, take a test, regularly refresh their skills, get certified or do much of anything before they can call themselves “responsible.”