
“The hardest thing to reconcile is that just because you have good intentions, doesn’t mean it’s your time to have a voice,” he said.

This cat has a statue

Hi. Here’s my kitty. Everybody share kitties.

It’s funny... this family made the exact same mistake you’re making now—they assumed that the information they were given was correct.

Alloooo Jezzies! Craft Thread!

I’m generally pretty eyerolly about karma and energy and that kind of shit, but this is absolutely relatable to me. It’s like meeting a friend’s new boyfriend, feeling vaguely disquieted but having absolutely no specific reason to speak ill of him...and then come to find out years later that he was an abusive,

Oh good, I hope Rich writes something!

I’m with you 1000000%. I am also with the people who made the point that it is horribly irresponsible to clone a pet when there are millions of unwanted animals in shelters that need homes. But I can also see how grief will drive a person to do very stupid things.


I have a suggestion but if I typed it out I’d probably get banned for real this time.

I don’t sleep. I am angry all the freaking time. Not just because that orange scumbag in the Oval keeps getting away with just raping our country, gleefully, but people I love voted for him, and more than a year in, they’re still Trump zombies, fine with everything he’s done. I feel like I’d have an easier time

Anyone else stuck in this weird spot where you’re generally happy/hopeful about the direction your own life specifically is headed, but the state of the world and the direction its heading constantly drags you down, so you want to just completely ignore and shut out the news, but you feel an obligation to keep

The thing is, people bust out the “where are you from” at random moments in the conversation that don’t make sense. If we’re chatting about peanut butter and I say I only discovered it as an adult, of course I expect people to ask where I’m from, because kids who grew up in America know about peanut butter. But if

 It’s a fair question to ask, especially in a getting-to-know-you small talk kind of a situation, but to avoid the mistaken perception that you are “othering” someone I’d suggest framing the question just slightly differently. What I say to people is “So, are you from Minneapolis (or whatever your current location is)

Yeah but it gets really really frustrating to be asked this over and over again. Especially when your answer isn’t always accepted. And its even more frustrating because its something you don’t see white people being asked.

Dog shows should be banned. They’re responsible for the interbreeding and genetic decline of dogs, their worsening health problems, and they’re also responsible for a lot of dogs ending up in shelters. This article is cute, but it doesn’t address the fact that dog shows are inherently unfair and in fact damaging to

I really liked the analysis of these pieces, since I [embarassingly] don’t know too much about art. I also really like the concept of a man in power being depicted in a naturalistic setting. His power doesn’t originate in weapons of dominion, or in the wealth of the state. He exists not in opposition but in union,

Yeah, I definitely think from that picture but then I looked up a high res and up close it looks even worse: