"Crisis: another critical life juncture in the ongoing saga that is Tiffany…"
Peep the Susan Strong as Wolverine and Dr.Gross as Lady Deathstrike with William Stryker vibe and her "Pets" as Reavers
Oh my heart, i just finished watching Real As Fuck
I just can't even with this episode
2b fair, Dirtbeer Guy didn't get his wife back, he got a second chance….
shame. that is one of my favourite episodes
i really dig that it does this. Mirrors the brutality of this world
saga for win
"Pearls are made-to-order servants" -peridot
i would too on some level given her circumstances. seems p cathartic
"Grey Area Wet Wipe" doesn't necessarily constitute her as "straight up evil"
I just re-watched "Is That You" hoping to find some answers to this cliff hanger only to get caught up trying to figure out the possible inconsistencies of the Past Prismos with the Time Loop, the manifestations of memories and their paradoxes and the total amount of alternate lives ie, Jakes, Finns & Prismos.
I hope Will joins his kid by going to BLM meetings and protests. Then Jaden joins his dad to shoot hoops at the end of the episode. Side Plot of Carlton getting schooled by impoverished skateboarding ballerinas in which he fails to befriend but then reluctantly wins them over with his zany dance moves (and by…
i love it when LSP screams
i wish i understood what this means. it sounds pretty and cool
perhaps not reversal per se but rather a digestion of initial reaction
totally! as soon as i digested how closely this episode parallels my various "strungout daylight walks home" I began to appreciate it as such. It was kind of jarring at first watch.