
I love semicolons; probably to a fault.

You should make peace with your enemies, then; they provide clarity often found wanting in this article.

The writing in this review is horrible; commas are your friends.

Thanks, I won't.

The Event is an even younger program than ER.

That's not "ER’s Laura Innes", that's Wings' Laura Innes. That's Bunny Mather you're writing about.

"I have no idea what they're arguing, actually"


Oh dear, I wasn't keeping count. I should have lowered my expectations appropriately. I could have taken solace in the fact that it at least wasn't as bad as Stargate's 100th episode.

Ugh, this was filler if there ever were such a thing. Considering every superhero program has done this (as they've copped to at the beginning of the review), I find it hard to laud cliche, especially when it does nothing but pad what should have been a two-part crossover. It seems I'm the only one here with that

"Delos" is spelled with one "l".

That's it, Graboids!

If you feel a need to think you're right, knock yourself out. It's a character episode, and a darn good one.

Carol has proven quite capable of compartmentalizing her emotions in desperate situations. I think we were watching her emotions come to the forefront gradually throughout the episode. That hyperventilating at the beginning was absolutely a ploy; full-on knee-jerk survival mode. Watch her face contort, though as she