let's see, high miles, German engineering, and custom mystery tuner bits? Should be about as reliable as lucas electric.
let's see, high miles, German engineering, and custom mystery tuner bits? Should be about as reliable as lucas electric.
let’s take a moment to remind everyone that gasoline is still priced in mils...or 1/10th of 1 cent. The mil hasn’t been minted for many years.
so what are you saying? where is the apple cart?
they are going to cash a fat check from fox, that's what they are going to do.
their contacts in Africa wouldn't involve a certain Nigerian prince would it? because all of his funding is going to be in my bank by 9.
seems appropriate, bacon on the exhaust, frying pan in your lap...
touching a halogen bulb and leaving a fingerprint will indeed affect the bulbs ability to project as the bulb will be reduced to smoldering shards and the light will die spectacularly.
acrylic tends to crack at discontinuity like a hole. It is fairly brittle compared to polycarbonate (aka lexan). A 3/8 thick sheet of polycarbonate will deflect a .38 bullet.
wasn't that an ac/dc song?
I typically get threatened with jail for taking my furballs out in public.