Opel is a German marque, owned by GM.
Opel is a German marque, owned by GM.
Babylon 5 was designed to have an overarching plot from the get-go. DS9 eventually settled into one.
While the casting of Newman for Arthur is IMO perfect, capturing the chaacter’s high-strung nerdiness, I’m a bit mixed about Serafinowicz: he’s a bit too refined and his chin is too weak.
He’s from Alberta, which is as close to Texas as a Canadian province gets.
More reasons for Jim Sterling to hate them.
Their kid died, that’s more than enough punishment.
And he’s an amateur compared to his predecessor.
You've never heard of GamerGate, have you?
Heck, Mississippi has the highest vaccination rate in the U.S.! The unvaccinated are mostly rich people with their heads up their asses.
No, barbaric slaughter is a long, sordid part of human history; we've just grown to reject it, rather than ignore it.
Xiph.org has an excellent video on the topic, proving experimentally that sample rates above 44.1 kHz are futile. Heck, even pro audio tape can only provide the equivalent of 9b/sample! All that "warmth" comes from limitations (and good filters) rather than excellence.
Albeit uneven in places.
The old oval-window Maxells, how I miss them!
Hear, hear!
What about those in the silent majority who either are deluded that the group still has any merit, or are so horrified and terrified by the rest of the movement they dare not speak out? BTW, I abhor those GamerGaters as much as you do.
The earliest iPhones (pre-4) had curved backs, and they were ugly.