
Holy crap. Not only has MST3k come back, but they made a weed strain for it?! I have died and gone to heaven. I wonder if it makes you do the Torgo shuffle when you smoke it?

Fuck Jeff Sessions for real. And why isn’t this shit legalized yet I mean you’ve got the largest video on demand streaming service on the planet marketing strains of weed nowadays under the auspices that you need a medical marijuana card to acquire said weed but it’s advertised with such medical necessities as

At least Congress isn’t buying any of Sessions BS pie. It’s a bipartisan effort to protect the States right to regulate marijuana use in their jurisdictions. Plus there is a wide push to relax access by veterans and keep stays quo on blocking funding to Justice department prosecution of medical marijuana users in

I’m offended this isn’t include as an add on home delivery plan. Hopefully this is a sample test for the Netflix for the recreational use States.

So I’m going to pay more for boutique weed not percentage tested (basic industry standard in hical) and I don’t even know the grower?

Thank you for not Bill Mahering the thing like your sister site did. I’m sure there are many Cheeches and many Chongs and many Jeff Spiccolis out there (not to disparage them), but there are multitudes of us for whom we literally couldn’t function without pot. It is a medicine for a lot of us. The Jeff Sessions of the