"Not sure who the dude is."
"Not sure who the dude is."
@Desolation_Angel: Agreed. Maybe it's just because of the way it sounds but I absolutely love the A3-21 I got from Harkness
I know this sounds weird but I always go to the restrooms and get a wet paper towel and wipe down the table cubical thingy I'm going to "study"(sleep) at. I started doing this when I saw some dude sneeze and then polish in his snot into the table and pretend nothing happened. Friggen nasty
@Polypusher: I would imagine they would be. "oh shit, thousands of creepy fan boys are all around me..."
I'm assuming they never found that one R34 that was stolen from that one garage that held some of the cars from movie?
@anduin: You don't have to take his word for it
My school email is plagued with spam... Probably the most hilarious one I've seen was "READ HERE OR GET AIDS!" I never spent the time to open it but the subject is almost like a threat.
@GeneralBattuta: Well to be completely honest, the first time I played the game I was like 13 and didn't know jack about guns and found it absolutely ludicrous that they had to include that segment. Keep in mind I was used to playing things like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. In present day, I know it as a fact.
@rafasan: You deserve a medal.
@greeze: dang, now that you've brought that up.... dang....
Real life useful things? Nothing that I can think of at the moment but! America's Army showed me that American made weapons are so poorly made that they included a segment in the training and a specific button on unjamming your weapon.
@ShaggE wants to join the Egg Council.: I used to have the Codec sound effect as my ringtone and the "!" as my text message sound. A handful of people got a kick out of it but majority of the people had no idea what it was. :[
ive heard but never tried but, a wad of crumpled up bread could rub off crayons on walls.
@vwminispeedster, pronounded Si-trow-in: I know hes just 7 but just looking him waddling across the parking lot, his smart ass remarks and not having video games for one weekend kinda makes me wish he did get whipped by his grandmother.
I swear, if Ford makes more cars like the Focus RS more people would buy it. Its like the only decent looking American car I can think of...
@Meteoric: Yeah, i realized that after I tried it on a quad core. I almost cried...
@K1NG EV1L: not necessarily. For the most part, its true but there are some exceptions. Take GTA IV for example. Although the PC version does have "nicer" graphics and a huge modding scene and all that. The truth is, it makes running Crysis look like a joke. Even with a GTX260 and 3gbs of ram on a core2duo, I get at…
@John-irl: Like make use of the airport and fly to San Andres. One of the billboards advertises that.
First time I pulled out of the garage(not even half a year of driving btw), i ripped off my mirror. Instead of buying a new one I just used epoxy and zip ties and put it back together. It functions perfectly fine and if you didnt look at the scuffs on it, you wouldnt know i broke it ;)