Anybody else notice how Spy-Scout was not holding the scatter gun and the new wooden bat?
Anybody else notice how Spy-Scout was not holding the scatter gun and the new wooden bat?
I know one guy who managed to get one. I won't be surprised if he jizzed his pants.
I bet what they mean by damage is scratches. And soon as in Gran Turismo 6.
That's pretty cool. My dad had a gen 2 Maxima when I was growing up and to be honest, I never understood a word that thing said. It always sounded something like "ding a dong ignition"... yeah.
If you like these bush craft stuff, knives, guns, and some neat tips and trick for all of the above, you should really check out cutlerylover on youtube. He shows how to make a whistle out of a soda can, acorn, and like this willow one. Cool stuff
I don't know what to say actually. I'm quite tired of these movies based off of ridiculous plots, especially ones based on games. Was there ever a movie based on a game ever good? I can't say the other way around because Goldeneye the game was probably better than the movie...
Aw what a bunch of wankers. I live being sniper and now they're gonna make my death more common? Looks like someone's not gonna have an open casket funeral...
On my own car: I got hit at a low speed on the passenger side and the door couldn't open. I used a garden weeder to pry my door back to shape. its as good as... new?
Perfect Dark was such a good game. It has so many little aspects/details you don't even see in too many modern games such as disabling people by shooting their arm or leg or even shooting off their weapon. Only game I can think of is Fallout 3 that has these little things that made it such a great game on top of…
There's a 510 down the block from me and its kept quite nice. It has a roll cage and some box sticking out below the trunk... not sure what it is but it looks cool.
I don't seem to see any pictures of the Transformers. All I see is Megan Fox
San Andreaes on top, GTA IV's Star Junction on the bottom, and Disney's Tarzan? MUST HAVE!
Just give me the damn game already!!!
That green dude is Gachapin. He was in the Killer's music video for "Read my Mind". :-/
Oh shit! I'm really attracted to that car... does that mean I'm gay?!
As weird as this thing is... its better that its made of junk yard parts and all than to have someone rape a normal domestic car into a freak of nature.
In my opinion, the FD2 Civic is quite possibly one of the most beautiful cars ever made by Honda. But honestly, I've always had a thing for the Civics, especially the Si and Type-R and its not because I'm Asian. The current euro Type-R is kinda ugly with that weird reflector thing in the front and the triangle tail…
Aw no not the Civic TT___TT
Tekken on 360? What?
Best. Gallery. Ever.