
Gizmodo, links tweeted to you by a website worse than twitter.

@kasika: I just watched iRobot, that is a very real possibility.

@Jakooboo is nominal.: You get an email if you have been chosen to get one, before they send it to you.

This video made me cry. I think they should have given me all of then instead of ruining them. (I would have shared)

@TheUCanes: Yes, but once its usable (2 gig data and texting) its $80

In cool points, yes.

This makes the conversation awkward.

promoted this comment.

Is it just me, or does it look a lot like the old Black MacBook?

Whats the point of having a land line that is A) On cell towers and B) You already have a call phone. The reason i have a land line is because i have 1 bar at my house.

@abates25: Luckily I already have one

What day will the iPhone be on there?

These look more like self-reigniting matches, not matches that wont go out.

How To Properly Raise An Apple Fanboy: Work at Apple

And when they are both millionaires, will it still be a stupid idea?

@Jayore: I see what you did there.