Sullivan Biddle

Sorry for the long wait on a reply... I didn’t know you had asked a question till now 1/4/17. they poop everywhere, all the time, i don’t even think they know they poop. I keep mine with my chickens on about an acre. the chickens scratch around the poop pellets and it ends up being fantastic fertilizer. I think they

We used to have a goat that lived in our large backyard with our Collie. They were best buddies. Slept together, ate together, ran around together. Quite fun to watch. I think the dog looked at the goat as another dog. The goat...Who knows what a goat thinks? Although not a bad sort of animal (well, some can be big

Are cigarette butts and beer cans really considered vegan?

Do they defecate in a set location like a dog would, or do you have a yard and it therefore doesn’t matter?

Visited a small goat dairy with my kids last Spring. We all wanted to take some goats home. They’re quite personable.

Yes! More people on the pro goat agenda.