Vishus Krosczech

Spelling “kooky” with a C is the real crime here.

Seriously. If I were the Knicks, I’d be afraid that he’d “get some help” and then come back.

I wouldn’t fuck with Oak at his funeral.

Not wearing pants and lucidly celebrating Nixon’s death are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Now I want a bush hat and to party with your dad.

No, definitely not a Bush/Dubya hat.

If we can play that fantasy “If the hadn’t nominated Clinton” game, I’m tossing in my own fantasy: If Biden had run, he would have defeated Bernie, Hillary, and Trump.

Everyone in America has to worship with the Cult of Reagan. It’s insane. He was an objectively terrible and mentally incompetent president, and yet even Democrats HAVE to genuflect every single time they mention his name. It’s just one more example of the way we’ve ceded reality to the Republicans. They say Reagan was

What a strange and wholly unconnected set of events!

The guy did his time, seems remorseful, has been an advocate against dog fighting, and a good citizen. He’s paid for his sins, what more do you want?

For a second I forgot that the sun was Phil’s signal that it was still winter and I thought you were saying that this video turned you on and I was afraid we’d have to stage an intervention.

So, I have a sinus infection, I’m on day 2 of ye olde moon tymes, and I’m eating a cup of noodles at my desk.

nop, not sexy at all.

This is what happens when everyone around you is feeding off of you financially, and they no longer see fit to tell you “no” and “you should probably sit the fuck down”.

Especially in that gif he looks vaguely like James Franco and ergo even more punchable.

Nine mentions in one year isn’t all that much. Maybe it’s just that once is enough?

I’m kinda confused why Urkel Antwerp gets so much screen time on Jez. Am I mising something?

Arguably nothing is wrong, it’s just out of place. Trump is the commander in chief. He is the boss of the military and on his order this man was killed. Ivanka is his daughter. She is not FLOTUS, it’s arguable if FLOTUS should even be involved. She does not have a job with the whitehouse and has no affiliation with

I have always had a soft spot for the elderly and senile, but I’d let him tumble down stairs so quickly his head would spin.

She doesn’t. She’s just as craven as the rest of the Trump bandwagon.