Vishus Krosczech

...this creates culture of dependency and goes against healthy lifestyles and care, even for an NFL player.

I think that statement would ring truer in the former political landscape. Trump supporters seem to be a third political party in this climate, and guess what? They have the power right now.

Fuck this guy. This quote alone is “fuck this guy” worthy.

Go Falcons.

Call them anyway! Look at how Ben Carson’s appointment to HUD Secretary cruised through committee before the protests coalesced and people got busy. Democrats voted for him, because they didn’t have a million boots up their asses. They can’t be trusted. We are the checks and balances, now.

I agree the AFC South should be nuked. But more because Indianapolis, Tennessee, Jacksonville and Houston are really boring teams to watch.

The AFC South should be nuked. Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and Cincinnati for their god awful personalities. And Cleveland as a show of mercy.

Too bad Antonio Brown wasn’t on hand to share video of the incidents.

The Ravens are curious about this “fence” technology that keeps Tomlin off the field and would like to hear more.

Good deal. I’ve worked with some damn good JIWs out of 60. When you get on a job and find out what your apprentice work consists of do it everyday without being told and anytime there is shitty work that nobody wants to do volunteer for it. Old school will go out of their way to teach you their trade if you do those

He’s doing so many shitty, evil things at once that I can’t figure out which one is supposed to be the distraction.

That has been the one bright spot. That so many people spontaneously showed up to protest. But i fear that Trump will cause so many daily outrages that the shocking will become the new normal, and people will just get used to the madness. That is how extremism took root in every country. Regular people just didn’t

I had a cabbie once that had a ferret on his passenger seat. He was feeding it pieces of a rotisserie chicken. You don’t get that with Uber. Fuck Uber 

Makes sense. I’m skipping the Pro Bowl to do whatever the hell I end up doing instead of watching that nonsense.

Got the book. It’s awesome.

he looks sick af what are u talking about

It’s OK Mr. Hextall. You should probably be focused on the trade deadline as is.

“You do that, you go to the box, you know.