Vishus Krosczech

Yeah, it’s called “stop clicking on shit you don’t want to see, dingus.”

Normally I’d agree, but because President Trump gets so bent out of shape by people having the audacity to call out his buffoonery, it’s probably the best way to subvert his presidency. He’ll either wig out and say/do something that he can be easily impeached over, or he’ll go into hiding. Obviously, people need to

The logical extension to what Conway said was, “It’s the truth because we say it’s the truth.” That’s fucking chilling. But sure, let’s laugh it up.

I am humbled and gratified that this comment received 2,500 stars.

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

He did add “And some, I assume, are good people”

The people that voted Trump in did so specifically because of the fact that he is anything but a politician. The Twitter tantrums, the coarse and demeaning language, all of that is just more evidence for them that he doesn’t care about political correctness, but about getting shit done. At this point I’m not sure

Exactly what I was thinking. If this is something the normal elite media Twitter bubble is tittering about, Trump’s people really don’t give a shit at all. “Let them mock us,” Bannon must be thinking. But if this becomes a meme in the broader popular culture that everyone jokes about — how blatantly and stupidly they

On a serious note, the more sports people who talk about Spicer and the administration’s lying (let’s call it what it is, lamestream media), the less it can be ignored and explained away by Trump’s base.

“That wasn’t a false alarm. It was the alternate alarm.” KellyAnne Conway

Yawn......isn’t there something more recent that can be brought up? What about the Patriots and the serial killer they had on their team?

“I don’t even know how to operate a fuckin’ fire alarm!”

Though many of the people in the Boston airport hotel were forced to evacuate, the Steelers players were not 

Look for Belichick assistant Jack Ruby outside the police station later today.

He doesn’t need him, he is already a Roman, a Polak, and a Czech.