
Plenty of people get tired of being “just a girlfriend” and want the title and the party. There is real discontent at not having that moment. It’s a dealbreaker for many.

I know I am a grizzled not quite old lady but every time a friend comes to me bitching about the lack of a proposal and how she can’t stand the idea of still being just his girlfriend, my response is, “If you can leave this relationship over a ring and a party, you should probably go find someone you want to spend

I think this is in the same vein as Kelly Osbourne’s very poorly worded “who’s going to clean your toilets” comment. Trump’s hotel empire is built on the backs of immigrants staffing his properties and bull fucking shit is every single one of them a legal immigrant or even making a living wage. Republicans purposely

I refuse to believe he is anything less than the most elaborate performance art the world had ever seen, on par with the pig fucking episode of Black Mirror.

In fairness, isn’t he like 6’4 or something?

I had to blink a couple of times. Thought it said, “largest celebrity chef...”

That would be a great Halloween menu: all the dishes are named after the celebrity chefs you killed to make them.

I like to think that a “celebrity chef” is a chef who just cooks celebrities.

No, since the labor of immigrants is being exploited we should be fixing the exploitation. Not deporting the immigrants. Trump trying to do the opposite is one of the many things that makes him bad.

Anthony Bourdain has become the latest celebrity chef...

Yes, terrible muggers. That’s not how you choose targets, either. The best mugging targets are families rich-looking couples with children are usually the best. You want to corner them on the way home from the theater or the opera, because they’ll be distracted and dressed up. You definitely want to take any jewelry

I worked at a Skyline Chili in Armpit, Indiana for about a month in college. Sunday mornings, I shit you not Church groups would come in and basically just throw all their food on the floor and leave pamphlets on the table. They would leave and it would look like they were just tossing shredded cheese in the air like

She shook her head disgustedly, then proceeded to scoop up the mashed potatoes and toss them off of her plate and onto the table.

And it’s not like you can carry a cross that will ward them off, like vampires.

Now playing

It's disgusting. How can someone prey upon people who have so little?

It was hyperbole. But some things to consider: 1/3 of American children, 15 million in all, live without fathers according to the 2010 Census. Additionally, when fathers *are* present, they spend half as many hours with their children, on average, than women do in a given week according to an analysis by the Pew

any future offspring may well get my last name to prove I can.

I remember reading a book set in a matriarchal society where one character commented to a foreigner, "We trace lineage through the mother's side. One can never be certain who the father is." It was a throw-away line, but it's stuck with me for decades.

That being said, I kept my name when I got married because I'm

Ultimately, the act of naming a child after yourself as a woman is an act of preserving your own name. But that name is probably your father's name.