"SF instead of sci-fi. I can go into why if anyone is curious" Yes, please. As an English major/translator, I'm curious about the terminology.
"SF instead of sci-fi. I can go into why if anyone is curious" Yes, please. As an English major/translator, I'm curious about the terminology.
I binge-watched the first season for the second time in order to prepare for the second season premiere. And when that's over, I'm gonna binge-watch everything again because obviously.
I adore Fee. Apart from Alison, who is my favorite clone, Fee is my second favorite character.
I love how she actually becomes each character, beyond the wig/makeup/clothes (which are more for our benefit as viewers, in order to identify them more easily) and even accents (I guess anyone could put on a wig and do a passable imitation of an accent and people would call it acting — Hollywood is full of this), and…
Your dogs are adorable! And I agree, as my Instagram is full of pictures of my cat. I'm so glad I'm not famous and don't feel the pressure to take perfect selfies all the time...
I've been enjoying January's Instagram feed for a while now. She's very funny, and her captions are hilariously witty sometimes.
Please, please, please correct Tatiana MASLANY's last name. Because she is awesome and should be more well-known. Thanks. :)
THIS. So much. Nobody deserves to be treated this way... :(
I think you captured Dan Brown's style perfectly (and I'm not misusing the adverb here). ;)
It's ok, I'm just a cantankerous curmudgeon... ;) Thing is, I'm a linguist, and also English is not my first language, so I tend to be a bit of a pedant, but that's just me. I'm the one bothered by other people's use of those cutesy words, but I never would dream of actually demanding people talk/write in a certain…
I'm totally with you. "Hubbers" and "hubster" are other variants which sound ridiculous, along with "wifey" (argh!), "sammich" and "sammies" (I blame Rachael Ray), "nom nom" and all those cutesy terms... WTF? Why are full grown-ass adults using these terms all over? It's disgusting.
Oh, a Linklater film! How did I not know this existed? Adding to Netflix list immediately.
Ouch. I used to be like that, back in my most depressed years, and today I sometimes feel the need to get away completely, but then I think of my mom and sisters. My dad died a few years ago, so since then we've gotten pretty protective of each other. If I disappear for a while, I at least let the four of them know,…
I often think of this, as I live by myself with my cat. Thank goodness for my needy mom and sisters. I love them, bless their hearts, but I say "needy" in the most loving way possible. If I don't answer the phone on like the 5th call, or don't call them back on the same day, they get super worried that some kind of…
Hahaha, I love that idea. "Golden Girl Connections". And there would obviously be, like, weekly gatherings with lots of booze.
Ouch, gruesome, but true.
Everyone wants Jennifer Lawrence to be their BFF, but I want Amy Poehler to be my sister. *sigh* I love her. Also, if Parks ends (NOOOoooo!), then she has to automatically star in another sitcom, and then another and another, guaranteed forever.
Is that boxed coffee, wha? (I'm familiar with DD, but I'd never seen that box thing). Also, that man's got leeeeeegs! — the one in the dress, I don't know who he is, I don't know anything today :(
He also said something about people "eating poop", or did I mishear?
I now I have this awesome image in my head. Will someone make a gif/cartoon/whatever, pretty please? I suck so bad at anything regarding image manips, or I'd do it myself. Thanks!