
If you really want the “Heather isn’t fucking around version,” here it is:

Loot boxes are, ignoring the hair splitting of insufferable pedants like yourself, gambling. They are crafted, from probabilities to visual to their contents, to condition individuals and encourage repeated purchase and use. People with

As someone who has not watched a single episode of this show, BUT has been reading the articles here for the past ‘while’... I’m giving serious consideration about starting to watch this show. Anyone want to chime in with their thoughts?

Where’s the community grade? The hubris of AV club; half the reason I come is the community grade. When I go to RottenTomatoes I don’t just blindly trust the critics. BRING IT BACK! BRING IT BACK! Come on everyone; BRING IT BACK!

Sleeper pick: Bill Murray.

It is impossible to explain, to the way too many people who aren’t watching, the kind of emotional impact something like solving a video game can have on this show. There is nothing else like it.

That is a damn tragedy. Would it have been so hard to leave the Discuss threads in place on the old posts, and the new system going forward?

I still live in hope that the DS9 comments will return to us from their time with the Prophets. What else can I do?

This is the first big test since the changeover. It is...not going swimmingly.

I had to use Google to find this review. How is this better than the old site?

Goddamn, what a bummer. Kinja has ruined this site. This used to be my default site when I was excited about a show/movie I had just seen, bored, anxious, or socially awkward. Now I can’t enjoy it in the slightest. I saw Disquis come, The Dissolve exidus, ZMF disappear, Nabin jellybean and then get dumped. But nothing

I......have not been so patient. I do understand that this is a decision that came from above and so my anger is at the situation and not any of you kind folks at the AVC.

I feel like those tech support guys...

Hey, if anyone replies or likes this post, I promise to fix ANY tech issue they have!

You have reached the former site of the TV Club Classic’s Deep Space 9 comments section, destroyed forever for the sake of corporate synergy.
All Rappin’ Jake Sisko-related inquiries may be forwarded here:

Hey guys, I am long term commenter on Gizomodo/io9. I also used to be able to comment on AV Club posts.

I really loved Disqus. It was one of the MAIN reasons I came to the site. Sometimes I would simply skim through the articles to stray observations and spend time in the comments. I like to say I love change, but losing Disqus is more like death than change. I will see if I will be able to learn to love the new system.