
I was kind of hoping it would be about that character in Master and Margarita.

Or you could talk about something more complex — that because of the modernization that has led to the environmental degradation in this film the country went from 8 out of ten people living in extreme poverty in 1980 to 2 in ten today. The bad stuff is caused by the good stuff. Could one have happened without the

I saw it at the Hong Kong film festival, and there was a Q & A with the cast and crew! Wang Bao Qiang was there and it was so clear he was terrified and it was his first time outside of the country — it was cute and touching. The director said it was based on a true story — the killers would pick people up in train

I suspect he'll get his head squashed by Frankenmountain, because that would be a very cruel irony for Circe.

Yeah, I thought that was the point of the whole conversation with her. For them to talk about how the dragons had met her before, knew her, etc. and not have her interact with them seems like a waste of time.

I think it's only passed on if someone touches the actual greyscale lesions. Since she just took his hand it's okay.

People who come to the temple are usually terminally ill, or mortally wounded with a painful injury that will take a long time to kill them. They know that drinking from the pool will put them out of their misery. I guess you could say their faces are what they give in "payment" for that.

In reality, if Stannis had wanted to get tricky, he could have burned one of those creepy miscarried fetuses his wife was carrying around with them.

Couldn't somebody have released the other gladiators and told them "If you kill the harpies and survive you'll be rich"? That was what I was thinking.

The whole Braavos storyline continues to be very disappointing, and tells me a lot about what Weiss & Benioff think people want to see (or maybe a bit too much about that they're into). I was really looking forward to seeing Braavos because in the books it's this cool, anarchic, multi-racial, religiously pluralistic

I kept thinking that Tommen had braces because of the way he talked. Did anybody else get that sort of weird impression during the scene? That made it more uncomfortable for me.

I saw this last year at the Shanghai International Film Festival. It was a good little movie, and I still find myself thinking about it from time to time. I think part of the film's promotion should be that the director is at least 6' 6'' if not like 6' 8'' or 9''. He should be in ads like, "You go see my movie, or

Uh man. I don't think I slept for like three nights after that. It was either that or another Peter Watkins movie, Culloden, that made me have to put my head down on the desk and close my eyes because I thought I was going to faint. I watched both of them for a British film class. Excellent, but rough. I'll never