
Exactly my thoughts as well! But I wish they would imbue Eleanor with some of Swearengen's business savvy and cunning.

That would indeed have been interesting. At least it would show her doing something. I was pretty surprised when it looked like she was going to step away with the others for a second, too. So far, the show has depicted her as extremely loyal to Vane, and never far from his side. Calico Jack didn't try to desert him,

Whoa, talk about taking that comment completely out of context. This is not at all what Rowan said, and is in fact a fraction of the actual sentence: "Look, I'm not inherently opposed to the use of rape in storytelling, and the brief visual depiction on Black Sails was shocking in a way that it should be shocking for

Sorry, I just don't see what she did as calculating at all. She lashed out at Vane because she blamed him for what happened to Max. She had already mediated the deal that put Vane, his men and ship working with Flint. Giving those same men and ship to Flint and removing them from Vane gains her nothing and only

Right? I keep reading these "Anne Bonny assassin" descriptions online, and I'm like, really? She hasn't done anything yet except skulk about and report to Vane or Jack. I also agree with more Billy/Silver. I don't particularly like Silver and his scheming, but I do like Billy's reactions to it. :)

This. Seriously, more than half the "pro" reviews I have read about this show have me thinking "Are you even watching it?" It was obvious to me that this episode deepened the history between Eleanor and Vane to give them some real emotional depth. Vane clearly has feelings for Eleanor, so much so that he was willing