
I had a girlfriend die unexpectedly (age 38) of heart failure. She was dancing, having a good time, then slumped down. I thought she was joking around at first but it was quickly apparent that she was not responsive. Even me doing CPR, the police there is literally a few minutes and an ambulance not far behind there

I lost my wife, who was only 36, earlier this month and losing someone so young, unexpectedly, just doesn’t feel real. It feels like she is just out of town and will come walking through the door any moment. The sadness that comes when you realize that will never happen can be incredibly overwhelming.

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

Self-cleaning: Unless you stay in The Halls of Eternity where time stands still. And when time stands still when it is actually your goal to count down time is it then a waste of time not to waste time because it is standing still. And if it is a waste of time would it still be a waste of time if you can find useful


Yoko Taro disapproves. He wanted the perfect butt to be enjoyed by everyone.

Fine - I’ll be the one to say it.

apparently he was not feeling bound by nobelisk oblige.

“I hate this kid,” he wrote in a now-deleted tweet about Thunberg, reports NicoNico. “If I pulled the strings that controlled the world, I would like to snatch everything away from her, knock her into the dregs of hope, and sneer.”

I didn’t contribute because we don’t roast people here in Australia, it feels weird.

Billy Zane's Ansem is literally the best voice acting in any video game and I can't believe they didn't bring him back in the sequels

I hope the takeaway for people is that it’s okay to talk to someone, to seek help, and not that “oh this is a quick fix, let’s just do that.”

Not many believe they need it, but in the times we’re living in and the amount of pressure we put on ourselves is a matter of concern to our overall health. We are taught to maintain the status quo older generations are comforted by, blind to the changing landscape and how it inflicts interpersonal agony on many of

You clearly haven’t gone sufficiently insane to understand it. Get out of here with your sound reasoning mind.

As a person who lived during that time, let me assure you that many boomers DID in fact, protest that war. Most of the people who were for the war at that time were members of the “Greatest Generation”, who remembered living through WWII and Korea; both my parents grew up during the war and its immediate aftermath,

Oy, folks: I always said I’d never do one of these posts, but I’m nothing if I’m not a hypocrite.

I’m out.

Nothing to do with this community, and everything to do with the fact that I’ve hung too much of my sense of self on being a “voice” around here for way, way too long.

I don’t actually have my burner code, so once I

Now playing

And the funny thing? The same damn thing happened to my boomer generation! My eldest brother (born in 1951) was drafted to go to Vietnam, where he went through Hell and suffered it’s aftereffects for the rest of his life (he died in 2016 at 65 of cancer). He was sent by members of the previous generation.

Now imagine your mom making youtube videos, frantically commenting on articles and tweeting death threats to GLAD over their tupperware design with the hashtag ‘Glexit’ and tell me that doesn’t sound, not only embarrassing, but horribly entitled. 

Then you’re one of the good ones!

  • 1. Voice your concern