At least with a turbine, if done right, you can burn anything flammable! You could fill up on gas, diesel, E85, perfume, tequilla, ect.
At least with a turbine, if done right, you can burn anything flammable! You could fill up on gas, diesel, E85, perfume, tequilla, ect.
Not necessarily.
A couple of things make it not totally stupid. Small size and low weight for its power, as you mentioned. That’s actually kind of a big deal for a hybrid. Also, many of the issues inherent in rotaries are reduced when you only need them to spin at a fixed rpm while attached to a generator.
Those animals are dead, right?
Totally agreed. And this is combined with the lack of tactile feedback on modern phones and tablets with smooth glass that feels like it isn’t even there. Trying to play games like Sonic the Hedgehog feels incredibly vague with touch controls, to say nothing of how your thumbs actively block your view!
This is why my first kid is getting an Atari 2600 for their first system and maybe by the time they reach adult hood, I’ll introduce them to the DS and ease them into it touch controls. No online multiplayer till 21 though!
We are so goddamn close to being larval organic batteries for the machine overlords. Except well be willing plugged into the matrix.
Back in my day we didn’t have fancy backlights on our mobile games. When we played games in the car at night we’d be forced to play by passing street lights and tailgaters headlights, and we were happy dammit.
My kid didn’t understand that about the TV when he was about 2 years old but it didn’t take him that long. I just showed him what does control it and he got it pretty fast. Same with Animal Crossing on DS, he didn’t understand at first the top screen wasn’t touch. Just takes a couple minutes.
Portrait video. Whyyyyyy...
Better for many things? Absolutely. Better for gaming? No way. Touch interfaces are lousy for accuracy even when you are looking, and they’re awful for accuracy when you aren’t. It is possible to type on a touch screen through feel alone if you are dialing a number or entering a passcode, but I can’t nail it 100% of…
Superior interface...? Have you tried playing Mega Man X with a touch screen.
these kids are growing up with superior user interfaces
My daughter didn’t believe my wife and me on this. So we grabbed our old Nokia phones from the closet, slapped our sims into them and spent the next twenty minutes texting back and forth, only looking when we had to read the other’s text.
This validates my decision to take the time a number of summers ago to make my daughter (then 5 or 6) play through a selection of games on all the old consoles I have, one per week. Starting with the Atari 2600 and spanning all Nintendo consoles (including the Virtual Boy).
Kids these days will never know how it feels to text blindly with the old keyboard on cellphones. Those poor bastards. I would almost revert to older phones if I wasn’t addicted to... *ahem* Candy Crush. Yeah, Candy Crush...