
This happened a few miles from my house. It isn't uncommon to hear gun fire at night around here. As a matter of fact Friday night I heard multiple shots in a row closer than ever before. So close that I actually got up off the couch and ran to the back of my house. It was really fucking scary.

For a very long time, I had no real opinion one way or the other about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Like a lot of Americans, I grew up sort of defaulting to Israel being the good guys and the Palestinians being the bad guys, but that was more or less the end of it.

I had a very bad Christmas when I was 16. On the two year anniversary of a sexual assault by a friend (always a hard day for me), I lost a good friend in a car accident. I lost another friend because she was driving the car while high and killed that friend. We never talked again. I almost lost my cousin the same

So many librarians here! My cat-themed cardigan and I are offended by this crap as well.

Amen sister. Fellow punk ass book jockey here.

Same here.

I'm offended as a woman AND as a librarian.

Originally when I heard the criticism of the video I was like "I get it but at the same time, don't minimize the lived experience of the girl in the video though'. But after seeing this I really respect what these women have put together. It's hard out here for all of us. As a woman of size I get some weird, fucked up

Well thank god he only spied on single women! Imagine if they'd had boyfriends - their penises would have been totally disrespected!

You want to see me flossing my teeth and inspecting my enlarged pores? Fine, you sick fuck.

I think the ridiculous stuff wasn't as ridiculous as I wanted it to be? No scarves made of the wool of Mongolian sheep that only drank French perfume, nothing fun like that. Just a lot of regular, over-priced junk. Vegan nail polish was a highlight though. Also, where's the car?


It Happened To A Little Girl, Born In 1582, From The Corpse Of Her Mother, Madame Colombe Charti, And Also About 299 Other People In World History, Total


Everything you just watched in this video is NOT OK. How's that for a start?


Do you normally enjoy ruining jokes with information everyone knows?

Person A: "Knock knock"
Person B: "Who's there?"
Person A: "Banana."
Person B: "Banana wh-"
Ovdanyakad: "Bananas don't knock on doors."

for what?

Not everyone wants to be reminded that game they love watching on Sunday has a very real cost to the people playing. It doesn't make you a jerk, it just means you'd rather not acknowledge the cost of your own entertainment. Ok, maybe that does make you a jerk...