ha, ha, you said “high pick”
ha, ha, you said “high pick”
Got my mouth all ready to talk shit, then I saw my baby boo CTC at the top of the list son! “We’re cinnamon and sugar shakers...”
Now, this would be perfect if it was the first, last and only trailer for this film. God, please allow for some sense of mystery for this film.
“and that applies to PC gamers who buy into the schtick too” ... and therein lies the problem, as with most stereotypes, those who perpetuate them.
Great. I was seriously considering picking this up, since I’ve lost patience with my XCOM 2 bugging out and crashing since THEIR latest update. C’mon technology, I thought we were homies!
“And let’s not forget the importance of having something to read in the bathroom during breaks from gaming.”
I hate most FPS games, but I remember playing this game and actually liking it. But I’m sure I rented it or borrowed it from someone. I think it was kind of toted as an extended tech demo.
I live my life to abolish stereotypes. I’m an avid NBA fan and love role playing games, and pretty much go HAM on games in general. It is kinda sad to see sports game related articles with like a 1/3 as many comments as the others, but we are getting there, Earth.
“I played previous XCOM games in inches, not miles.” Yes, he is I and I am him, so there’s not even an option to toggle this in some cases? I understand some missions were time sensitive the last go-around. But I like to game at my own pace, dammit!
I’m not sure how to take that, but damn you for making me lol at work.
Ironically I wasn’t going to buy this game (again) until some story DLC came out. In which case I would have played the hell out of some GTO. Oh well.
They certainly had story DLC on their radar. They’ve said since then that nearly all their efforts are now geared towards adding more content to GTO.
Me neither. Sometimes just by the luck of the draw, you can completely eat it through the course of a map or completely come out on top. I’m looking forward to seeing some mods that make the game a little different, even cosmetically, not just more difficult or easier.
Really hope (and expecting) a lot of these mods work to make the game even more dynamic, no just “more difficult”. The game is already pretty damn dynamic without mods. Oh, the possibilities!
I first thought of Psi-Ops when it showed up on my Xbox dashboard, and of course, dismissed it. Been DYING for another Psi-Ops, maybe this will do!
Kinda reminds me of Catshit One.
Yeah, I don’t like this move at all (and starting to like what’s going on with mainstream comics less and less in my old age). But it COMPETELY undermines what Wilson was supposed to become, as the universally accepted, definitive Captain America. And waaaayyy before Sam even hit his stride (the 4th issue of ANAD…
I like(d) Namor’s dickery more than anything else. But at least he’s somewhat formidable. Cyclops is just annoying... shooting stuff out of his eyes in a skinsuit since 1963, how did he not die on like his second mission?
Yep, I think that’s what gets lost with a lot of users that never bothered trying it. It becomes second nature. If you unplugged it after a week, that’s probably not enough time to review its worth.