
It had a middling sequel with some okay moments, sure. But let’s call that one a loss. And? That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to make a crappy movie out of it now. There are fart and dick jokes in the trailer. Someone says “That’s gonna leave a mark”. Even if it were an original concept it would look bad.

Except James Rolfe took that stance and was villfied for it in various articles as being a “whiny man baby” for refusing to see it.


I’ve seen plenty of sites where the majority of men and women are complaining about the dumb jokes (seriously, Jaws and The Exorcist jokes in this day and age) and the stupid CGI (which folks rightfully say looks like rejected work from Eddie Murphy’s Haunted Mandion movie). If all your looking for is angry comments

I know. I’m a total asshole for caring about the fact that no original screenplays are being purchased by the studios. I’ll submit your eyeroll to all my brilliant friends who can’t get their stuff made because it doesn’t feature the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers.

Please don’t reward cynical, shitty, studio remake culture. Please. The sexists are a vocal minority and this movie is not a feminist statement; it’s a capitalist one. Every dollar spent on garbage remakes isn’t going towards original ideas. It’s killing my industry and it actually is kind of a tragedy for many of us

Yeah. I said in another post that I’m sure these women are more than capable of carrying a well-written comedy movie, it just doesn’t look like that’s what Ghostbusters is going to be, unfortunately.

Okay, it’s not just me.

True. These actresses could easily carry a well-written comedy. I just don’t think that’s what Ghostbusters will be.

Yeah, most of the problems are that Feig isn’t funny and that the track record for rebooting ‘80s movies is abysmal.

“Most of what I know about the film is in relation to the aggressive attacks against the makers, the supporters, and even in response to the trailer.”