
I have the update and am within the subset with the new “tracking” feature. Going to a park to check it out.

I am apparently. Going to a local park/Pokemon Go Hotspot and I'll report back if I have any impressions that aren't already mentioned.

The main issue with the exploiting is, and always was, their decision to make PvP basically essential to the endgame. If you are killed you lose loot carried, xp gained and currency and keys. The icing on the cake is that players with better gear are close to unkillable by lower geared players no matter skill level.

Agreed. And if you’re decently geared and at least of average skill and intellect it doesn’t take much more time to down the first groups. Plus if someone disconnects or just leaves the new player(s) don’t have to try and make their way solo through that crap to sync up.

But IP = money. People create intellectual property is a revenue stream. Disney paid Lucas truckloads of money because they’d already envisioned years of movies, games, merchandise, etc. recouping their investment and then some.

But those were only from a vocal minority who wanted to go rogue but didn’t want to risk the penalty. They called the DZ broken only because they wanted to “PvP” and the risk/reward was too skewed against going Rogue.

Many people expected something like Destiny. Which despite its numerous problems has things to do and an upgrade path after hitting max level that includes activities that may net you better gear.

I don't think it's the same thing but maybe related. I see an issue where your character turns essentially all black in some lighting situations when in your inventory. Makes it impossible to visually review vanity gear as you equip it. Only mildly annoying but also hope they fix this.

I’m in a agreement as well. I’m far from an audiophile and quite probably tone deaf. But the audio in Destiny jumped out and made me notice it when I essentially never notice sound in games or movies for that matter.

Which Bungie and Activision already proved is a valid business model with Destiny. As gamers at some point we need to either stop vilifying the publishers and vote with our wallets. Instead of acting like we’re being compelled against our will, buying these games, then screaming about it on the games’ forums. And

Which I absolutely, positively pray becomes a ‘feature’ once VR is ubiquitous. Finally we could see how well Internet Tough Guys actually take a punch!

I don’t think anyone would. In fact I’d been playing the crap out of Farcry 4 for the first time right before this released and was surprised at the headline. I can’t say that I’ve even had a sense of familiarity at any point.

And he can do stupid things!

See my first impression in these situations isn’t that the parents are upset and acting upon a slight of their children from a protective perspective. Rather I suspect they are taking it completely personal that they are being de facto insulted because their DNA would likely be involved in creating the shortcoming in

Oh dear Lord how I would watch that!

Totally agree. The mental gymnastics people use to excuse pirating media makes me laugh. I've been a PC gamer for 30+ years and known some hardcore pirates. Most of them stopped when they started making money and could afford to buy games. None that I knew ever purchased a game to support the publisher after pirating

I just purchased the Hyper-X Cloud II for my son and have to say they’re very good headsets. Better than my Razer headset in every way.

I just purchased the Hyper-X Cloud II for my son and have to say they’re very good headsets. Better than my Razer

I'm wondering when they'll make Rumble the Iron Banner activity. Thinking problem solved with the disadvantage of not being in a fireteam and missing the fact that average and below average players will have an absolutely terrible time and not be able to complete many of the bounties requiring placing high in the

Exactly how I feel about it. And I think many others as well. I moved from XBone to PS4 and my approximately 100 person friend list is all people who were serious players I met in Destiny. It's fairly rare to see any of them playing Destiny for more than an hour or so anymore. Well a small handful that are primarily

You’re fucking trolling, right? “Female” is disrespectful and sexist but “girl” isn’t?