
He axed Raised by Wolves already

Yeah I was just thinking, some folks maybe just look a lot more like video game character model attributes than others...

Yes.  Ironically, some of us who’ve been playing it since even before 2nd edition look at the folks currently gatekeeping the same way, but have said nothing because we see that more fans is a net gain for all.

Yeah, I’m not sure what the point of this piece was?

Holy crap, did you seriously just spend the last two days turning this thread over & over in your head until you had moved the goalposts so far that you convinced yourself my original point was “the CGI in Black Panther was perfect!”, then desperately hunted for any link online that would dispute that position? All so

He’s totally correct — he’s in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation. They all want to see it as early as possible, but there are idiots out there who will tear apart the trailer if it isn’t as flawless as the final release when it drops. He’s gonna wait until it’s perfect before giving the broader

Yeah, it better be Lupita.

Keep typing — everyone is totally convinced by your sputtering.

LOL. Lost face”? “Save face”? Holy crap, you really ARE insecure about your feelings, aren’t you?

opinions are indeed wonderful things

troll smarter, child

I guess we’ll have to wait until November to see for ourselves.

Great trailer. The production design looks like it’s gonna be even better than the amazing job they did on the first one.

Weird casting.

Gotta say I’m shocked. I guess I fell for the shtick, because I actually believed they were buds off-camera.

OMG. We’ve reached the point where people have forgotten that FILE TYPES exist.

Yes, many were calling B.S. on the Snyder bot “uprising” from the jump. Fervent nonsensical fan bases driven by bots have been and will continue to be common until the platforms find better weeding methods.  

Wait, “4" ???

I don’t recall the specifics of the content, only that don’t advance the plot significantly and they occur in and around the genuinely funny stuff that he left in.  Most of them are in the Grandmaster’s palace, as I recall.