
Hey, just like it did for first DC and then Marvel in the comics, when it got more and more overused! Faithful to the books in this way, at least...

>>> “That sacrifice should be rewarded and that everyone except Uncle Ben deserves a second chance.” <<<

Deleted scene from Illuminati sequence in Multiverse of Madness

Wait — so if some knucklehead at a bar tries to take a swing at you, your response is to escalate immediately to murder them with a gun?

  • No headbutts.

They’ve each been outfitted with a MobiPak, a delivery device installed on their backs that contains mood-altering chemicals controlling everything from their sex drives to their cognitive and language skills.

Wait.... MD, as in Maryland? Marry-Land...?

Literally read all the comments just to make sure someone else had posted this so I didn’t have to, thank you.

Yeah, that was one of the sources of my confusion too. It seems like there were a dozen different ways to do it that would’ve been more clear.

Kinja needed a “Block” function way more than it did a “follow” one...

Yeah, I agree we can surmise all that after the fact, but I personally was just surprised something so pivotal wasn’t even shown. It’s like stabbing someone with a sword that's mentioned but doesn't appear. 

Yeah, it just doesn’t seem like the sort of food you’d dip in anything, least of all something you’d then call “sauce”.   But, minor issue. 

For all the repeated use of adjectives like “confusing”, “disorienting”, “stupidity”(x2), and “dumb” in this review, the only part I found the least bit mystifying was the very last shot:

Nah, when I say early 80s, I mean I’ve only ever seen him in team-up or guest-star stories (he appeared in Spider-man, Marvel Team-Up [w/Ben Grimm], Hulk, and multiple times in FF issues) and I never even read his own series. I scaled way back on Marvel in the 1990s (probably due in part to Heroes Reborn), so I didn’t

Use your phone to surreptitiously record absolutely everything you can.

I’m sure it’s all about which character is more popular and more modern.

..... and when they DO have to pay for them, your city taxes pay. Not the cops.

Yup. Good to see at least some folks actually listened to all the words coming out of his mouth, particularly about ironic humor, rather than just cherry-picking excerpts for maximized outrage.

Wow, one of the regular writers penned that? Do you have a link?