
The Dad Bod, aka Cutler Bod.

Mehhh, more like Maui, not so much Fiji. Worst Orioles pitching loss, Mike Mussina or Jake Arrieta?

Good for her just going out there and grabbin’ life by the pussy.

Phil nailed the overweight ex-fratboy insurance salesman costume.

I thought I recognized that guy.

So true. I can at least enjoy another potential Presidents Trophy before maximum Caps underachievement comes rearing it’s ugly head in April.

Woke up mad, still mad, gonna be mad for a while. Ubaldo is hot steaming garbage and has been since he came from Cleveland and put on an Orioles uniform. I don’t know what voodoo he was channeling this past month where he looked like a quality starter but wow did the real Ubaldo stand up last night and let his whole

I’m rooting for them because this guy, aka Wild Bill Hagy, is the most famous Oriole fan of all time. Doesn’t get better than this, folks.

No one likes Angelos, it’s a moot point. They’re not even in the top 10 of payroll this year, behind the majority of playoff contenders. They crush homers, have a Cy Young closer/reliever candidate and several gold gloves. Fun team to watch and cheer for. The Royals were 13th in payroll when they won the WS, not

How bout NO. I would go ahead and root for the Orioles, root for them as hard as you can. This is a team w/o the big market bank roll and is a team everyone should get behind.

Is that security team elite?

Idiocracy coming true.. damn you Mike Judge.

At least it wasn’t the Nazi flag.

As a South Carolina resident I can confirm that Ohio must be really shitty since every one of my new neighbors is from there.

O’s BABY!!!