
@PoG: @PoG: You sir, are a benefit to Gizmo community. And there is no hint of sarcasm in my words. Godzilla references automatically level you up among the other generic comments.

Ipad aside, where are these other tablets?

what's inside the monolith? Cthulhu sleeping. "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"

@Everybody: no much bigger than EVO, Capitvate or Droid, which I assume you don't have.

@SeraphX2: yes because that 31B is exclusive to Exec bonuses (/sarcasm). It's not like the company has 300K employees or networks to maintain.

is this news? everyone knows it takes no skill at all to point and click. in essence, the k&m is dummied for less skilled players. this is apples and oranges in FPS.

I'm definitely signing up when it comes to the 360. Convenience is what it's all about and even though my 20" widescreen hd monitor is nice, it's nothing compared to sitting on my couch and watching it on my 42".

In future AT&T related news on Gizmodo, "AT&T kills last Red Panda, calls Mother Theresa a 'filthy slut.'"

Dear Mr Barrett,

hopefully the staff at gizmodo had their orders cancelled for constantly lame Apple/AT&T "THIS JUST IN! U TEH SUXZ" articles. And I'm not even a fan.

"Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water."

@Mike: Dell Streak?

Wireless carriers have service outages from time to time? Who knew?