
I use DroidWords, it's the same thing. My wife and friends who have an Iphone all use WWF. It would be great to get a chance to play against them.

never got to play the xbox game because it wasn't compatible on 360, so i'm psyched to hear this (as a fan of lovecraft writing). I dig the "horror at innsmouth" approach.

Dell Streak SMARTPHONE. I call it like I see it. Nice try Dell, can't pull the wool over my eyes. Tablet? Haha!

@dparks: I sort of agree. If you can't afford the extra 83 cents a month, then you probably shouldn't be on xbox live in the first place.

@rpardo: i endorse this message.

I actually got respect for this kid. I've never played WoW but I know they have some legit hardcore followers (a la Star Wars/Trek etc) and if you're going to get involved in something that brings you joy, don't half ass it. The fact that he pointed out a flaw in the story/universe is rather comically.

netflix seems to be ramping up its instant library, maybe hulu (even at $5) might not be worth it. I'll have to check it out when it comes to the 360.

had some high hopes for this device when the hoopla was running high. now that i can see the finished product, it's meh with an FU pricetag.

@Super Gizmodoman: Why don't they call it for what it really is, Otaku sex machine. Pop star? Can't pull the wool over my eyes.

The wife owns an iphone, I a zune. i do all the computer crap for both of us. I've used Itunes and Zune SW. Zune blows it away hands down. If you're to blind to see it, you're simply a fanboy and a douche.

@Vextoz: where do you live in NJ that half of the people are like this? I live at the shore and no one is like this, not even the benny's from NY and North Jersey who visit my area in the summer.

go into any slob mothers car and you'll find years old freedom fries that her unhealthy brat dropped.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.2: I would have gave him a +1000 if he used something more obscure like "Eight is Enough". Good job none the less.

@hcho321: I agree, I does look the best, to bad the f'n carrier I use isn't getting it.

HTC HD7 is a clear winner for me. To bad, it's on TMob.

need a zombie apocalypse / robotron type game on this.

I would. Although I'm on ATT and I don't like any of their WP7 phones (at launch). If they can get a HD7 on that network by end of Nov., i'd seriously consider, other than that, it looks like a Streak for me.

CGI in aa Sci-Fi film = Good.

I won't buy a product because of the cleverness (or lack of) of the commercial. So it was just "whatever" to me. neither good or bad. i guess it's better than those local furniture store commercials with the owner touting the lowest prices on queen sized beds.