I just call them pound signs because that’s what they were growing up. Social media types don’t like that, but then social media matters to people that don’t.
I just call them pound signs because that’s what they were growing up. Social media types don’t like that, but then social media matters to people that don’t.
Pepsi is actually much, MUCH bigger—around $161 billion. I would argue that Pepsi didn’t take such a hit because it owns so many brands; presumably, people might boycott Pepsi drinks but did they boycott Pepsi-owned snacks like Frito Lay?
“Is This What Parties Are Like Now?”
The news referred to it as “the Souhern White House” today and I about lost it. The only way that shit flies is if the next President evicts him and eminent domains Mar a Lago as a permanent Presidential retreat.
They are finding out that the devil you know (career politicians) is better than the devil you don’t know (Trump). And they learning that the hard way.
Well, it would definitely fit the MO of certain stubby-fingered individuals.
And because of that very acknowledgement, you are welcome. We don’t always have a lot, but we recognise there are always those worse off. I bet you’d march or protest for anyone marginalised or with less than you.
Provided you choose to support anyone less well-off than you or marginalised and you’ve never flown a confederate flag. Our bear flag welcomes you. And we have kick-ass weed.
Seriously. The disregard for human life and people’s welfare is just revolting. I saw a tweet yesterday (in the comment section of Shade Court I think) that read something like “If Muslims want to get into the US they just have to pretend they’re Christians. We have a lot of people pretending to be Christians here…
I think the child-friendly vibe and pink pussy hats were strategic in exactly that way. I just think it’s also really, really important to acknowledge that these tactics would’t necessarily prevent police violence when the majority of the bodies are black and poor.
I don’t think we are disagreeing.
“No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!”
This was my first exposure to Debbie Reynolds too! I had a shitty childhood with not super loving parents/grandparents, so I turned to fantasy a ton as a kid. I have fond memories of pretending that Aggie was my Grandmother and would tell myself “being normal is vastly overrated” when I felt super isolated and weird.…
YES <3 love that quote, love her.