
I'd be remiss if I didn't include "Kitten Mittens" here. Never fails to make me snort laugh.

Oh, Lord, I love me some autographs. I only obtain them at signings, as I respect the privacy of the entertainers when they are "off the clock" - well, except for my first autograph, when I was 8. I saw Henny Youngman (yes, the "Take my wife, please" guy) at the circus and, much to my parents' delight, asked him to

I got so excited to revisit the Ed Lover dance, only to find the video has been removed. Damn. At least I now have something to do to pass those last few minutes in the office…to the Google!

I got so excited to revisit the Ed Lover dance, only to find the video has been removed. Damn. At least I now have something to do to pass those last few minutes in the office…to the Google!