
You mean sober.

Pretty disgusting that Manning would use this opportunity to shill for Budweiser. Especially when he owes this win to Miller.

You’re hearing that because you want to hear that. There’s a difference between not wanting to be the face of the franchise and being a coward, which is why Wainwright made no such connection.

Jesus tapdancing Christ, Deadspin; the guy was asked a question and he answered it with effusive praise for Heyward, whom I daresay he knows a bit better than you or I do, and provided a charitable theory for why Heyward would prefer the Cubs (other than the real reason which was “Star Wars money in 2018”), and you

Yeah, this is horseshit. I hate the fucking Cardinals but nothing Matheny said here is wrong or entitled or any of the other shit implied.

I’m sure the Cardinals coordinated Berkmans video with the fan voted bobble head night (must have been in on it for at least 60-90 days for that mlb Chinese production turnaround time). In addition surely their deadspin leaked ‘accounting fraud’ money is being wired into anti gender neutral bathroom campaigns in