I'm Catbug

doesn’t seem like you can handle that everyone here hates you, since you can’t even face it.

not straight, but thanks for playing. 

yeah, i’m the polar opposite of interested in bear puns today

poke around for five minutes on this site and you’ll easily disprove this fantasy delusion that i’m only speaking for ‘myself’ when it comes to your rep here.

but hey, it’s all ‘them’, right? they’re all racist and sexist and it’s just ‘you’ who’s pure. lol.

Again, you ought to ask yourself why you feel so ‘bullied’ here. You can duck and dodge all you want, but you can’t deny my point, which is that everyone here despises you.

Oh, you seem plenty interested. And not in my opinion alone, but the 99.9% of other people here who, again, absolutely loathe you.

literally everyone here fucking despises you, and for good reason. ever ask yourself why? or do you think it’s all ‘them’?

no need to education-level shame. they’re shitty enough without needing to bring their schooling into the matter.

might be my favorite song of theirs 

Everything up through More Adventurous was really solid, but Execution is the really special one to me. Their best.


Wait...that’s what Drew looks like these days?

Apparently sarcasm is hard to read too, eh? 

awwwww, noooo, come back, i wanna play! your illiteracy jokes and use of terms like ‘hysterical’ make you sound super mature and open-minded!

i also really wanna know how one can possibly garble ‘censorship should give everyone pause’ into ‘yOu’Re ExCuSiNg WhItE sUpReMaCy’ in your head. like, how exactly does that

Oh look, a wall of text rage i’m not gonna read. Cool.

Again, are you going to face that you trotted out an egregious and offensive false equivalency, or try to dismiss my points with ad hominem rage and pretending I didn’t raise a valid concern? I think I know the answer, sadly.

Again you’re deciding what the ‘rational’ interpretation would be, based only upon your own perspective and personal bias. Feel free to dismiss me as an ‘outrage troll’, but there’s plenty of folks out there concerned about knee-jerk censorship as a reaction to internet mob pressure. How irrational! Voice sensible

You were comparing a discussion about perceived prejudice in literature to a massive institution of oppression and violence. ‘Logical conclusion’ doesn’t apply here. Intended to communicate ridiculousness or not, it’s a false equivalency meant to insult and damn by association.

If intent doesn’t come into play with

OR there’s another reason to object to such decisions that you’re inclined not to consider. You say ‘racist caricatures’ as if it’s literally impossible for someone to have an opinion on that that isn’t your own opinion. We don’t know because you’re assuming intentions and then claiming those could be the ONLY

Thing is though, you don’t get to decide whether someone else’s opinion is ‘relevant’ or not. When it comes to the availability of literature, that affects all of us. This book normalizing the othering of a group of people is an opinion/perspective you’re speaking as if it’s inarguable fact we must admit as such.

You sound like you deeply resent artists.