
We both commented last night if that actor didn’t have something to be proud of, he probably wouldn’t have been found it so liberating and been so happy to share it with the world.

I feel like all I need to know about this game is that they were comfortable enough with it to lift the review embargo 8 days early.

I got really yucked out by some of the kills I was asked to do in Syndicate. To the game’s credit it seemed like being yucked out was their intention, but I always wished they did more with the idea that the assassins and the Templars are equally shitty sides of this centuries-long shadow war, and that the player is

Villa himself previously opposed legalized marijuana, but says he’s since since seen the light *airhorn* $$$$$$$$$$ *airhorn*.

Sean, you do know what Catholics mean by “the Passion”? Just from the title there was never any way this was gonna be about anything but Jesus’ suffering and death.

No spoilers on the sequel please. I’m only up to the Book of Mark. Planning to binge Luke and John before the movie is released.

There are two basic camps in Christian theology (painting with a very broad brush) about which aspect of the crucifixion was the really important one. In Catholic theology, the key aspect of what Jesus did was His death; His primary role was a substitutionary sacrifice. That’s why Catholic iconography, which Gibson’s

this is relevant to both of my interests

It’s not edgy. It’s a common opinion.

Not really an edgy opinion. Had to look up edgelord.

Hahaha, I admire your commitment to the bit. How many Rose Tico and Vice Admiral Holdo toys did you buy?

“Aunt Baru”??? Aunt BARU??? BARU????

You decided to include the last Jedi in your list, you’ve got to be trolling now. Without the original movies there would be no star wars. It would be just another forgotten franchise like lost in space. The originals are the monolith on which everything else depends. Take those away and you have nothing.

You lost any semblance of respectability when you said that any prequel or sequel is better than the originals. Your opinion is worthless.

My kid is going to be so confused why there is no episode eight.

Just show him the 3 original movies, never tell them of the prequels and sequels, let him enjoy his childhood. He will discover and be disappointed by the other movies on his own.

I’d watch this movie over TLJ. were hand painted cells. Not Flash Animation like today.

Have you ever watched....any other cartoon of the time (or most things before or since, if we’re being honest)? The animation was head and shoulders above everything else.

For a 71 year old... his hands actually look great.