
because religion (implicating the morality of women having non-procreative sex) has NOTHING AT ALL to do with patriarchy.

Because no freaking pharmaceutical company (TOP TEN HEADED BY DUDES because girls can't do math except, i dunno, when they can) sees fit to invest in additional male forms of birth control. And funny how there is no rallying cry from the menz about how oppressed they are for not having more reversible options of

That is a huge fucking "if." And you are ignoring, once again, that the Pill isn't just about PROCREATION. But what is woman if not a baby machine.


Posted by a friend on FB:

Hmmm. Not sure about that Brown was the culmination of a lot of dead Negroes and a lot of hard work on the ground, specifically through organizing. I think Lyndon Johnson was more effective than the SC in changing things for real.

This made me laugh so hard that liquids simultaneously came out of every orifice capable of expulsion. Lindy West, sheroine.

Your comment was like a greatest hits of female socialization; it is such a shitty yoke to carry around.

Um, how come I have NEVER HEARD THIS EXPRESSION BEFORE? Because it is about to go into HIGH ROTATION.

attempted? Is this the murder in Texas? They were sexually assaulted and then shot point blank in the head. One died, one has been severely incapacitated.

I am glad she had what sounds like amazing family who loved her so hard. Peace to Yazmin. the world is filled with horrible, brutish people. It is just heartbreaking.

Given the recent uncovering of the fake feminists of color by MRAs, I think we should take a lot of things with a grain of salt.

Of course there wouldn't be a need to pronoun switch, but that is not what the GLAAD guidelines are requesting. They have stated that it is never okay to discuss a person's birth sex during the narration.

And so what does that mean when someone who is deeply misogynist kills women because they are female? Are we

Kat, if you were XX wouldn't you be cis?

I find that reporting link problematic:

Yes, and one can be gender non-conforming and trans, and one can be gender-non conforming and not trans. But the two are neither mutually exclusive or synonymous.

human beings are sexually dimorphic. Our entire species are male, female, or intersex. So I think you prove DreadPenny's point.

No one said they weren't capable. Any human is capable of anything despicable. I am not talking about capacity, I am talking about action talking about doing. And males do despicable things consistently to each other, to females and to children. On the regular. And the numbers simply are not only not-comparable,