
TERF is a slur. How do we know this? Because it is used against trans women, men, and other people who are most decidedly not radical feminists. It is used as “feminazi” is used to end any and all conversation that might espouse political points of view and feminist arguments that don’t hew to the same party lines as

Huh. What do you think that “cis lesbians” (really? you know that every one involved was a dyke?? were “teaming up” with these people about? Do you know? Usually, it is about a very simple thing. Adding language to any bills making sure that creepers don’t use gender to enter sex-segregated spaces for improper

Gabrielle Ludwig. Transitioned at 51. Played for all women’s team at Mission College.

Legal decisions are labored over. So the fact that this was mentioned at all is important. It is called dicta. And although it does not have presidential value, it is the legal equivalent to planting a seed.

Thank you for posting here. I especially appreciate your contextualizing everything without diminishing the reality of what was done.


Except that if events of the past year (actually, who am I kidding, events that make up the history of the US) have taught us anything, humanity is something black people have to prove they are worthy of, it is not an assumed relationship.

(i just want to underscore here that black mothers and fathers have to teach their black sons that they have to get bags when they buy things, be impeccably dressed at all times, and never approach whites in groups at restaurants. This is actually what parents have to teach their children. Think about all the energy


NO ONE IS ASSIGNED A GENDER AT BIRTH. A baby is sexed according to their genitalia or through DNA testing . From that moment on, we begin getting inculcated in the gender performance that is acceptable for our sex class.

That lighting is basically the heavenly host, right?

i actually think it is deeper than that.

If prostitution paid the same as Starbucks, you really think women would be doing it?

That is the rule, not the exception. Why else would, as Drake points out, most girls in the industry have short shelf lives?

I'm trying to figure out if the repeated mentions of Zoe Kravitz when talking about how "down"/"down to earth" Penn is are pointing out that he is even cooler because (a) he dated "a black girl!" or (b) because you think she is that much cooler than any other scion of 90s royalty, like Liv Tyler.

Have we already forgotten that Jerry Sandusky started a not-for-profit serving "underprivileged and at-risk youth" which basically created a pipeline of children to sexually abuse who would have no social capital or support to inculpate him?

Color me so unsurprised that Redditors would be unable to figure out how to make a female ejaculate.


I find that unspeakably sad. But I am a dyke and I love me some hairy bush. I think it is deeply erotic, but I'm 42 and porn decidedly isn't my jam.