
Well, Ohio and National already exist and have no intention around the space, so I guess the question is do folks really want to go to women's music festivals or do they just want to take down MichFest because of the intention?

Do you really, really believe Trayvon wasn't at trial? Really?

All I am saying is make people uncomfortable about the truths they hold. This doesn't mean having a huge ass conversation about Franz Fanon. It means that when someone says Zimmerman is justified, ask them to explain why? Make them admit that the fact that a black kid was walking was enough to have him shot to

Um, as a lesbian daughter of IMMIGRANT JAMAICAN PARENTS yes I fucking do. And I understand that people have a hard time calling people they love on thier crap. But this isn't Aunty Hyacinth at Christmas talking about the batty boys. This is a about a kid getting shot to death because the mere fact of his existence

Ya, and I'm going to fully admit that I am really hot right now because of Trayvon, because i am a woman of color, because of my own dykeness and because of being super aware of patriarchy right now. Let me be clear that everything I discuss here is going to be about women and females and men only in so much as we

ah, my bad. sar.

What do you mean there aren't a lot of people to talk about it with? It seems like you have TONS of people to discuss this with. Yanno, white people need to take responsibility for each other. I'm kinda over the "oh we aren't the BAD white people because we aren't in the Klan and no one we know says nigger and we

the difference is, if 3 bajillion white people had broken into that complex in the year before, no one would have suspected a 16 year old white kid with a hoodie and some skittles of wrongdoing unless he was caught lighting a molotov cocktail and throwing it into someone's living room on video tape. Not that it

You miss my point. First of all, I am clear that the prosecution didn't prove its case. My question is, hypothetically, why wasn't Trayvon Martin allowed to defend himself against Zimmerman's sketchy behavior? Especially in light of the fact that we know Zimmerman had anger and violence issues, the fact that a zany

Truth. I read all this shit like "Trayvon should have called the police!" Yeah. Because no one except us seems to get that we have to teach our children how to SURVIVE the police, not how to trust them. I don't understand how white people don't get that we have different rules! That we only deserve respect if we

Um, yeah, this exact scenario has played itself out several times and it ended exactly like one would expect. To be fair (and I'm a lawyer) I don't think the prosecution proved beyond a reasonable doubt. And for that, as a criminal defense lawyer, I think the jury did the right thing. But the other questions that

I am kinda surprised that people are surprised. I mean, these people are related to someone. And if you could feel comfortable bringing yourself, your kids and your wife to a picnic of fried black person, why on earth wouldn't you be teaching people to act out on lesser shizz at home? I mean read this account.

I am kinda surprised that everyone is so surprised. I mean, these people are related to someone. If you feel like you can bring your kids, your wife and picnic at something like this, what the hell do you think is being taught in your community? That was 80 years ago; postcards of that shizz was sent through the US

Oh, I gotta respond.

Truth. There aren't a lot of law firms that are gonna get on the wrong side of the banks on this; too much money there to lose. The stench of this situation is so deep and it goes so far. My dream is to start a People's Law Office with Big Law ex-pats and do this sort of litigation without fear of repercussions.

sorry, a wee tangent: i love how there is always this description of things like racism was a Southern phenomenon (only the SOUTHERNERS will be upset!) and that things weren't as wretched in Philly, or Gary, or Chicago or, yes, New York City.

Total slightly unrelated side note, I always, always, always, thought it was amazing and interesting that after the entire Sarah Baartman horror, the bustle first came into fashion. I think it could be argued, actually, that a lot of Victorian fashion was about echoing the silhouette of one kind of black female body.

Now playing

Is it so difficult for people to wrap their heads around this country's long and storied history of disparaging the shape and growth of black women's bodies? Is it so difficult to remember that black women can STILL GET FIRED for not straightening their hair?! It's really very simple: fried chicken? Totally