
In all fairness, bright overhead flourescent light gives some people headaches, even to the point of triggering migraines. So, y’know, maybe it’s not just divadom.

The cultural enrichment is getting so unpredictable, isn’t it?

You are judging the sex workers’ empowerment from a position of entitled privilege.

One can care about various issues while retaining an idea of their priorities. “Other states.” Hmm. Well, here those “other states” are. Hope you have plans to move to one of the 13 that are “B+” or above. Well, that’s important only if you’re not an “identity woman.” If you are, enjoy your shoes, pretty dresses, and

The solution is in the last sentence of my post, which will continue to fall on deaf ears. Your takeaway about the accelerating erasure of women’s hard-won rights to reproductive dignity and autonomy is a protest about correct nomenclature for sexual preferences and/or “identities?” You’re living proof of why this

Would strongly suggest that the millenial “cis”-“hetero” (or whatever the cool victims’-academese babble is) women outside of New York and California stop fucking unless you want to end up poor and sick and burdened. Because like us olds have been saying for about fifteen years now, the erasure of your reproductive

Must admit I don’t get this Ted Cruz/Zodiac Killer arc. Is it funny to millenials? (It wasn’t at all funny when people were being murdered, actually, but they would be olds now.) Are there piercing/cosplay/virtue signalling/transgender/meme display behaviors that I’m simply to old to see?

Walnut Creek? Saratoga? Portola Valley? Atherton? Palo Alto? The more . . . elevated parts of Redwood City? Los Gatos? Orinda? Ah, probably Diablo.

Live there, do you?

Far away, Caitlyn Jenner throws the mirror to the floor, bursts into sobs and leaves another voicemail for the plastic surgeon.

I’d suggest the spoiled millenials who want to take their brie-stuffed meatballs (Hi, Talia! Still “starving?”) and go home move immediately to a U.S. Territory, where you can’t vote for president at all (truly no responsibility!), except that we really don’t need any more useless, flea-bearded white male

Man, I thought the Kardashians were good at this. This mediocre performer and her sullen husband are playing all of you like you’re trout. Buy more Lemonade! Buy her clothes! Buy her perfume! Buy her makeup! Watch her videos! Spend all of your time babbling nonsensically about her so yet more people buy her clothes

Wait, wait, sex work is degrading now?

So . . . is this empowered sex worker “choice” empowerment, or . . . is this “my only chance at ten grand in my life” sex worker “choice” empowerment? Either way, though, it’s empowerment, right? Why does everyone seem confused?

This is exactly what happens when “intersectional feminism” starts caring more about the bathroom rights of men playing with makeup and dresses, “safe spaces,” and multiculti appeasement rather than matters that actually address genuine women’s concerns here and now. All that fighting we did, down the fucking drain.