
I hate that little shit.

She has since walked it back because she’s askeered. For now.

And I might add that the Susan B Komen foundation uses very little of the donated money for actual breast cancer research, around 19% or so..and they don’t want to even talk to you let alone help you if you are Stage IV, because they don’t like to acknowledge that we die from this all the time. Makes the whole “cure”

You know it!

No humor aspect at all, it’s about the farthest thing from funny that I can imagine.

I was on the Town 411 page of my totally white town the other day and someone posted that their BLM signs kept being stolen.

I was dicking around on Youtube the other day and came upon some very entertaining videos of so called Sovereign Citizens, thankfully all white and real REAL stupid.

What, in God’s name, was he thinking. Jesus.

It’s the American Gestapo. A bunch of mouth breathing, knuckle dragging creeps with a few decent people sprinkled in here and there..but only a few. As in, maybe three.

How does that fool even sleep at night?

I was a child in the 1950's and dentistry was brutal!

Can you imagine?

I think this might be what tips the scale in favor of me leaving Jezebel. There is sometimes a level of tone deafness here that is staggering and youth is no excuse.

I LOVE MINE!!! I have 2 cats and 6 birds and vacuum their areas twice a day. This thing is awesome. I use it for the whole house and my car, too. Going on year 3. 

I LOVE MINE!!! I have 2 cats and 6 birds and vacuum their areas twice a day. This thing is awesome. I use it for the

Gee, thanks for showing a few being tortured! You’re the best!

Know what I’m tired of?

Ho boy, that second shot packs a punch! ( I got Pfizer)I had a fever of 103.7 yesterday and felt like all my bones were breaking. I could not have worked to save my life..all I could do was sit with my eyes shut, or sleep.
Today I’m totally fine!

Oh God, I hate it so much. I tried and tried, until I finally asked myself why I was trying so hard to like something I hated? I have degenerative scoliosis and holding poses is torture. I also have an artificial knee now that only bends 110 degrees, so just no.

I just bought out the lease on my Nissan Rogue. Philosophically I don’t like the idea of getting another new car just because I can, when this one is really nice and in 3 years has all off 15,000 miles on it. It feels like throw away culture to me to turn it in and get another car in only 2 years.

Orthorexia reborn.
Not to mention, there is nothing I would rather not bond over with other women than meat. Meat? Really?