
Thanks for this. I just had myself banned on purpose on Gawker after two years as a starred commentator there. The boorish, frat house atmosphere that's prevailed since AJ Daulierio took the helm is too evidenced by one of his first posts as Editor in Chief;"Who I would Fuck on Real Housewives".

I so disagree with this being shown.

Ho boy. Not good at all.

It is!! I wish they'd told me more..we mostly talked about it during the elections and my ex sent me some pictures of everybody together...just a cute young Obama, hanging out with them, doing nothing in particular.

I would like to be your friend, please.

Nice! and true!

Poor lady. she will b emissed. But at least Etta James has someone wonderful to sing with. That Angel choir must sound amazing right about now.

My high school boyfriend's sister dated Obama. His Mom and my boyfriend;s Mom were neighbors in Indonesia. He was a sweetie then and he's a sweetie now.

If you post abortion articles on Facebook, you gotta be ready for what comes at you.

It sounds as though your fundamental values are very different than those of your friend..who sounds pretty cold and unkind, not to mention lacking in empathy and ignorant about things like mental illness and alcoholism.

I do believe Hay House has a podcast..vie the internet radio station Hayhouse Radio..Louise Hay is the author of You Can Heal Your Life and the site has all kinds of interesting people on.

Your husband sounds like a blast! I love a funny man.

Fine, have it your way.

Well, you've clearly never picked up dismembered body parts off the road,or worked a fatal fire,or watched someone die in an explosion you were unable to get into in time.. or you wouldn't be so quick to assume.

I love how it looks, but I'm hard pressed to keep even a basic manicure looking nice for more than a few days. I think if I messed up nail art, I'd be inconsolable.

Take a look at Beth's nails on this season of Dog The Bounty Hunter..her nails are outrageous.

I thought I hadn't seen you on Gawker for awhile!

I meant to add to my response that doctors are all about not getting sued these days, so they try to eliminate anything that might later be blamed on them should anything at all go amiss with the baby.

AWWW! A little lady and a big ol' guy!! Such nice kittehs!

That's tended to stand in my way too. I'm such a people pleaser, that I'm like.. "How's he doing? Is he tired? Am I taking too long?" I get there, but it isn't quick (unless I'm doing myself, in which case I've been known to have an orgasm in under 60 seconds. Go figure.)