
I love our Pres SO much. I've gotten frustrated many a time during this administration, but just knowing someone with a good heart is in the White House is such a welcome relief.

oops, maybe I should have asked you this instead of onomatopoetic; where does one get pretty ones?

I'm, interested to know in what ways your Mom's fibro has worsened?

Exactly my reaction.

Really well stated.

I've actually thought about getting one. I have fibromyalgia and sometimes when it hurts really badly, I put on a humungous back brace which has a similar, if less glamorous effect. It sort of hugs the muscles and gives me a bit of relief.

I remember being luminy and dewous..but I was 30 and it didn't matter what the fuck I did to my face.

I wish you the very best!

I love you, Cassie.

I think these things are really hard to quantify in a tidy way, even though 'they' try all the time.

It is!!! I was a dancer, too, until I tore all the ligaments in my right ankle and they healed short and I couldn't go en pointe anymore.

"Darker" is a good term for it. I usually love Gawker snark..I'm a starred commentator over there, so that pretty much indicates my level of involvement with and enthusiasm for the site.

,,and thank YOU for your empathy and kind words.

Yay! Feel much better!!!

Thank goodness we aren't in a society where it's still okay to sell the daughters, or kill them, or we'd never get anywhere at all!

I cannot bring myself to listen to any of these male rappers..and I know they are often amazing.

Exactly my feeling. Not to mention it's with your team. The one you spend all your goddamn time with anyway?

Future flight attendant.

Maybe the fact that this lady died isn't so bad. I cannot imagine trying to go on after something like this..and now she can be with her sisters and her son.

NOES! Not Zappos!