A girlfriend used to take Ambien. Until she woke up one morning naked and when she found her car, which had been driven and parked in an unusual spot, it was full of one dollar bills.
A girlfriend used to take Ambien. Until she woke up one morning naked and when she found her car, which had been driven and parked in an unusual spot, it was full of one dollar bills.
Kept my maiden name when I married 32 years ago. Never been a problem.
There ya go! I love my Gaga too. She's smart and she's got a good heart.
Good for you..that's really special that at 30 years old you can see your Mom as a fellow person. Plus, you clearly have an ability to pick your battles and know when to leave something alone to play out on it's own.
I'm going to be one of those horrible people who say "When you're older, you'll understand."
I think so too,I really like the Art reality show she produces on Bravo,even if it does give me the same anxiety I had in art school myself..it's a terrific concept and more elegant fare than some reality programs.
I'm pleased to say that I own a tiny piece of the Empire State Building thanks to an investment I inherited from my mother In law and .It's so neat to think I actually have part of an American landmark,even if it's just a toilet on the 90th floor.
Yup, the very same. Decided since they might start a family in the next few years, they "didn't want an animal that shits all over the house". Of course babies are animals that shit all over the house, but that's different.
Lori, please devise a test of your own..you're on to something big here!
Marry him right this instant.
I'm not much of a Halloween gal myself, but I have to say I love the way the holiday has become so huge over the years. Last year on Halloween I was heading home from my Mom's house in NYC and the line to get into Ricky'sNYC. on third avenue (which carries tons of wigs, cosmetics, etc),was all the way out the door and…
I just love Snarly-Fang incidents, don't you?
I loved Anna Faris until I read that her fiance gave away their 15 year old cat on TWITTER.
You know, that's an excellent point. Thanks for bringing this up...I needed to have it put like this in order to see it's full skeeviness.
Your points are terrific and I'm delighted you took the time to articulate them like this; they are all really good ones and well supported.
Really? I love Jezebel. Love. It's a little restricted in terms of free expression at times,but I spend a lot of time here,in spite of Gawker being my main beat. I can usually count on being among friends.
Are you really young or something? ALL kinds of people in many states of mind cheat, not just the bored. (Clinton isn't someone one would categorize as "bored" for example..or standing around,idle).
I swear, SJP has got to have the pleasantest disposition of any actor on the planet. She's delightful and seems genuine to boot. I saw this episode and loved how she managed to be very funny and get her opinion across, without being bitchy or cruel.
I love your comment. It's very realistic and true for me as well.
Perhaps the wife is smart ,made her own money and bought her own goddamn pool. It happens.