
I'm guessing that the deterioration of Chelsea's humor has a lot to do with her increased drinking in recent years. I used to adore her, but as others have noted here, she's often more nasty and mean spirited than funny these days. She's become heavy handed .

Matches. Work every time.

She's a hoot..very natural on the air,too!

You sound like you had the best Dad ever.

Hey, nice shot with the auto metaphors! Sure it ran out of gas(hey!) but you went for it and that's what matters.

I bet this actually applies to women across the board. I'm a white person, but I have very wavy hair that I tried for years to wear straight.I was all paranoid about sweating and humidity during those years and it had an effect on my fitness schedule for sure.Even though I was undeterred,there was a lot of teeth

That it did,but I'm happy with baby steps! :)

It looks scary!!

Yup, I've thought of that too. You could be right.

It sounds like you've had some terrible experiences,and I agree with you about the racism that comes into play when these stories catch media attention.

Sure, but my feeling is that she got this gig because she is fat,which seems just as messed up as getting a gig because one is model-thin.She's adorable but why the reality show when there are tons of girls who want to make a living in fashion? Same coin,different side.

I don't think that refusing to photograph the girls constitutes "punishment" as much as a pretty logical consequence one might face for defaming others publicly.

I'm really, really responsive to smell,with both men and women. If I don't like how someone smells its very hard for me to feel comfortable with them.

Terrific analysis! I couldn't figure out what was bugging me about the part of the movie where Dex is a cokey mess and Hathaway has come into her own,but you nailed it

Well..lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. I don't have a lot of empathy here.

Exactly. When I was an EMT,when August came around each year, we'd always have a bunch of 911 calls from people with bee allergies who had been stung.Not a single call for bat-bites!

I loves teh Battys! The odds of being bitten by a rabid bat are truly miniscule,I hope folks realize this and don't get all anti-bat now. They are wonderful and helpful creatures.

Seriously;they're good earbuds?


I've been married to my husband for 32 years and we adore each other. We also sometimes hate each other. We've lasted because we have always made our relationship the number one priority. As recently as last year, we had a big crisis that could have been a deal breaker for some couples,but we just like and love each