Please hire Julian Barratt and make The Great Boosh Baking Show
Please hire Julian Barratt and make The Great Boosh Baking Show
edit: this is a rhetorical question. I think we all know who decided this.
Yeah, getting huge Before Midnight vibes here. Which is good! But harsh.
I think about my own propensity towards easy or escapist movies and how I could stand to try a little harder, but even reading this review is a raw nerve.
Oh, neat. It’s going to destroy me, isn’t it?
You’re forever with me, leather.
Deadspin forever, Wiggum never.
This reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes. The day something great and important and loved just left us out of nowhere. It’s stupid and I don’t like it and I will genuinely miss this website.
“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
RIP deadspin. Here’s to those of us who never made it out of the grays. The site was probably better for it.
Godspeed. See you on the other side, all.
Posted this gif on Greenwell’s tweet about no more staff, but seems appropos here as well. Best of luck to you all. Thanks for the bears, Diana. You did great!
Concourse post, comments work!
Not sure there’s gonna be a better place to post this, so here we go:
Wearing a John Rocker jersey is the same as wearing a MAGA hat.
But can you really trust someone whose best friends are all metalheads?
Less Than Jake warned us about this.
I guess we’ll have to take their word for it that Kim Jong Un scored 10 goals, 5 touchdowns, 8 homeruns and 15 wickets.
If this isn’t SF in 2019, I don’t know what is.