
I’m from the L-C valley, and I’m seething. The Tribune has covered Wilson, and he’s not well liked at all in the area. It pisses me off that there’s the implied idea that people in the area are like minded/okay with his actions. They are not. His congregation in the area is small. Moscow is an eclectic college town,


There are amazing things about this town! Moscow is near and dear to my heart. All the ugliness surrounding Christ Church and my situation here hasn’t made me hate it...but we are moving soon. It’s just too hard to walk around and see my abuser every few weeks, not to mention running into 50 Christ Churches every time

The town is actually pretty cool and quirky and not what you would expect for a small Idaho town... But yes, there's always a dark element to every place I think.

I went to grad school there and loved the town. I’d move back in a second if it weren’t for the winter weather (I don’t mind the cold, I’m from Wyoming, it’s the whole no sunlight thing). It makes me so sad to read this article and comments and for people to associate all of that town and its awesome, artistic,

Also when a religion encourages and enforces a very strict gender role structure, it is easy to allow and justify certain behaviors. Women aren’t just told to submit, they are encouraged to have no agency or identity outside of the prescribed roles. Men aren’t just told to that they are the head of the family, they

She once asked him if she was still a virgin or if fisting “constituted penetration.”

Oh, hey, what a coincidence. I’m offering a boot for this asshole’s balls.