Just Me

Eh, they’ve sort of written him inconsistently I think.

It’s been a bit slow for me. Not nearly as emotional. Which is fine. I feel like they pulled back on the emotional manipulation which has made me even more bored with Kevin and Kate’s storylines, to be honest. They were only interesting to me when my emotions were being toyed with.

Can Jay-Z?

Vision of Love was wobbly at best (some notes were painful), but Hero sounded good. For those blaming Mimi’s age on her voice not being what it once was, she’s not even 50 yet. 73-year-olds Gladys Knight and Patti LaBelle still slay on the regular, and Aretha and Chaka still sounded close to their vocal prime at 50.

I am not looking down on him. I am simply not looking *up* to him as ‘the wokest brother on the planet.’

Whoa, wait. I hope you’re not personally offended. I don’t believe every Black man can have any Black woman he wants. He also shouldn’t have to “suffer”a Black woman if he prefers White women. Let’s not pretend every Black man of resources is with White women because there are no Black women ‘on his level’ or ‘in his

I’m a member of All Those. Peele is doing amazing, sweetie. As had Poitier, Belfonte, Kitt, Baker, Gates, Douglass . . . we could go on. We have a tradition of ‘woke’ folks going home to White partners, and hey, whatever. But how can you go as far as Peele is the ‘wokest brother on the planet’? He gave us a great

I immediately believed her, and am saddened that once again, a Black man did not come to a Black woman’s defense. Not at the time of the incident, and even going so far as to say she lied about what happened. So white bros before hos, it seems.

I recommend that NFL players begin with a show of force OFF THE FIELD and then resume their on-the-field protests to demonstrate what they mean when they kneel. Hold their own rallies and press-conferences! Call on their local Congressmen and women to protest the protections for black lives Sessions and his ilk are

Okay if anyone has the power to stop this show from hi-jacking our lives anymore it’s King James. He came after Trump & he didn’t respond. LeBron keep it up. You can save us. Thank you.

Mr. Aggrieved Anonymous Officer should be on DT’s wall committee. He knows how to stretch out some bs.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Thanks for this article as I would have never heard about “The Mayor”.

To all white women who voted for this monster. I hope you can look these people in the face & feel good about your decision. Who the fuck am I kidding you probably feel great. Yeah you really showed those people that came to this country & made something of their lives who’s boss huh? While you sat there on your fat

Already, a GoFundMe campaign has been established to cover the potential $25,000 fine the city risks should it remove the obelisk without permission.

You tried it... I never lived in a ghetto EVER.. and my black ass family said all of this... and we are well-educated. And please don’t act like Africans can’t be hood as hell.

ALWAYS gon give us something to cry about.

Groups on the fringes of whiteness are the most racist as they aspire to full membership in the cult of white supremacy. That’s one reason why Italians, Irish, and other “recently white” groups are over represented in hate groups.

This stood out to me as well. You know we’re in bad shape when a Perez is like, “Yeah, this lynching prank is exactly what’s needed to let Darkie know that he’s not wanted in our department.”

Wait... we’re really wondering why someone who was sentenced to 5 years for stealing $120 would be afraid of standing trial for armed robbery?