Sue Kavaty

One word: Duncan Hunter.

We shouldn’t use need the power of government to enforce basic politeness.

Then do you take a piss in those hiding places, too? I mean, if no one’s going to catch you, what the hell, right?

I don’t know . . . US women’s gymnastics is giving them a run for their money.

55 decibels? Conversational speech is considered to be an example of 60 decibels. A diesel truck is 85 decibels and a motorcycle is considered to be 100.

So 5% is almost 20 million shares. And good luck buying just one share.

The Prime Minister is Theresa May, and, no, I don’t believe she fucked a pig.

As well as from Diane Moskovitz’s article above.

Oh, gees. Thanks for posting that so I didn’t have to. I was going to go with “arse” and “ass,” because I’ve read so many debates about that one.

“ . . . being woken interrupted from tweeting in the middle of the night to deal with urgent issues.”

Here’s a list in illustrated form:

Do you think Columbia discovered the plagiarism? Or do you think they didn’t notice (and are now scrambling to shred all the review documentation)? Would they have awarded her a Ph.D. if they had noticed all the plagiarism?

Um, dude, settle down. You’re responding to a joke post. Quasar Funk posted Jennifer Holliday’s “apology” when she backed out of the Trump inauguration, and passed in off as being Monica Crowley’s—because she plagiarizes.

The protesters can wear their pink pussy hats.

. . . she theyvwoyld have known . . .


It’s copy/pasted from The links were in the original article. The bolding was by potterpoet. S/he provided the link to the original article in the post’s “headline.”

Okay, now, that just needs to be the plot line for your first novel. In the style of John le Carre or Tom Clancy. I’d buy it . . .

You do know that’s how insurance works, don’t you? I’ve never made a claim on my car insurance or my homeowner’s insurance, and my health insurance only a time or two, and not at all for the past fifteen or twenty years. What do you think they’re doing with my premiums? Do you think they’re saving them up for me, and

Nor will it be? Roe v. Wade is being challenged constantly, including in my own state, which tried to pass a law effectively banning abortion in 2010. It was heard by the Supreme Court in 2013 and is considered one of the key cases on the subject. And just last month, (quoting from, “Ohio’s Legislature has