Sometimes marriages are just done and it’s not a third party’s fault. Unpopular opinion, I realize.
Sometimes marriages are just done and it’s not a third party’s fault. Unpopular opinion, I realize.
Can’t comment yet. Picking my jaw up off the floor.
I am having secondhand rage for you.
Meanwhile, I told my therapist what mansplaining was this week and he (an older white dude) thought it was perfect and couldn’t believe he hadn’t heard what it was yet!
i would dare sarah paulson to get a better haircut, but there may not, in fact, be a better haircut.
I can’t believe 2016 is a real year that we’re all living through.
Come on, Beatles Reference Kinja Name. It’s critical to point out micro-aggressions as well as larger sexist and racist offenses.
And then to have it described as the “bigger prize.”
Right? I would have been REAL PISSED.
I thought the same thing until they mentioned she made no effort to hide her pregnancy either. She just kinda existed while pregnant. Everyone is entitled to do pregnancy their way (mostly) and if this worked for her then more power to her. If someone wants to take 8 million pregnant nudies in a cornfield and put them…
I don’t think she is criticizing pregnant women in the public, I think she is criticizing how other people are with pregnant women. They always want to touch your belly, ask about when it is due, names, gender, blah blah blah.
Yup. Woman are always made to feel like they are overreacting if they find a man creepy. We’re supposed to be understanding of gross behavior and write it off as “social awkwardness.” Fuck that noise. Trust your gut ladies.
Just ask your doctor if you can take the pill continuously and skip the placebos. It’s a beautiful thing. :)
Nothing like someone telling other people what their identities are. If I felt like A Woman (tm) 0% of the time, that’s fine by me.
I remember the first time I read about this, I was so so so so so mad. My periods tend to be AWFUL, birth control or not, with hormonal migraines to boot. And finding out that I could have been avoiding them altogether was infuriating. I went on seasonique, which at least cut me down to four periods a year, and now I…
“It’s our identity.”
I’m period free and life has never been so amazing. Ladies, you don’t have to live through that misery, get on the IUD bus if you can!