
I donno... as a Family man I’d sure love me a 2015 V60 Polestar in Laguna se-.... er ... “rebel blue” ... they ditched the manual for 2017. :-(

I know I’m lat eto the party, but it NEEDED to die.

I have one kid, and a dog. Its too small. We take my accord on road trips because it works better.

My dog can’t fit on a captains chair. It also can’t fit between the chairs int he Mazda5. Hell, my feet can barely fit between the seats. I had to REMOVE a captains

IF you’re REALLY dedicated to learning stuck... Just buy one. I learned on my first car, which I had to back out of a crowded car dealer lot. 3rd time ever driving stick. Original clutch was fine at 236,000km when I sold the car.

is that a FWD drag car?!?! awesome! (and kinda horrible. I don’t know what to feel.)